Blog Post

The Montessori Approach to Teaching

Lisa Lavora - De Beule • Apr 26, 2023

One of the most special things about Montessori education is the relationship between the teacher and the student. Montessori teachers help guide students’ love of learning and provide the pathway to information and discovery. At Montessori Center School we take pride in the leadership our teachers provide and the relationships they build with the students. Read on to learn more about the unique approach of Montessori educators.

Children will not be told what to learn by a teacher; they will be shown how to learn.

Unlike in traditional classrooms, it is the student, not the teacher, that is the focal point of the Montessori classroom. Never anchored by a teacher’s desk, which does not exist in a Montessori classroom, the teacher moves as the children do, always observing, engaging and supporting each child’s interests, strengths and struggles. A Montessori teacher receives specialized training and is an expert at teaching by showing, not teaching by telling.

Montessori teachers work with students individually and in groups.

Since Montessori classrooms are multi-age, the notion of a traditional classroom lesson doesn’t work. A lecture appropriate for one student could be too advanced or too simple for another. Therefore, Montessori teachers conduct their classrooms differently than traditional ones. They don’t stand in front of the students and lecture them on a particular topic. Instead, they can usually be found working with students in groups, helping guide them to their learning goals.

Montessori teachers act like scientists who study their students.

As part of her educational vision, Dr. Montessori viewed the role of an instructor to be somewhat like a scientist. Montessori teachers are in constant observation of their students, making records of what they have learned and where they need more support. 

The three-year cycle allows Montessori teachers to develop close-knit bonds with their students.

Montessori classrooms has a three year age span, so students will remain with the same teacher for three years. This helps build a stronger bond between students and their teachers, which can create many educational benefits. Since the teacher becomes familiar with the students’ likes, dislikes, habits and motivations, they are able to better guide the students through their journey of learning.

Montessori educators nurture the development of the whole child.

One of the missions of Montessori Center School isn’t just to educate a student, but to also nurture the social-emotional development of each child. A key element of instilling character is making Peace Education a core aspect of the Montessori curriculum. Reinforcing these lessons of “grace and courtesy” and effective conflict resolution requires role models and Montessori teachers to provide an ever-present example to their students on how to live by these principles. 

We invite you to come and meet the teachers and staff at Montessori Center School. We’d be excited to talk with you more about what makes a Montessori education so special, our academic and social programming, and provide a tour of our beautiful campus grounds. Please contact Tyler Clark to schedule your visit, [email protected].

Reference: La Prima Montessori

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